Efek Konsentrasi Logam Cu dalam Larutan Brine terhadap Pembentukan Warna Hijau pada Daging Tuna

(The Effect of Cu Metal Concentration on Brine to the Formation of Green Color on Tuna Meat)

  • Frans Gruber Ijong Universitas Sam Ratulangi
  • Stevy Imelda M. Wodi Politeknik Negeri Nusa Utara
Keywords: Cu, brine, tuna meat, green color


The effect of Cu-brine on the formation of green color on tuna meat canned was studied using AAS method. The result shows that of heating by sterilization process tends supported formation of bluegreeness color of tuna meat. Therefore, the more high Cu content in brine gave significant effect on the formation of blue-greeness color on tuna meat canned should be considered


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